Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments

Woollen felt of the highest quality and consistency, ideally suited for use in the world’s finest musical instruments.

We’re proud to supply fabrics to the world’s leading manufacturers of superior woodwind instruments, including flutes and saxophones.

Musical Instruments

No one understands the physical properties and the potential of woollen materials better than Hainsworth.

Producing fabrics with
endless possibilities

Hainsworth have been supplying high performance woven wool felts for use in the world’s finest musical instruments for over 50 years.

layers of fabric samples with zigzag edge

Manufacturing to the exacting requirements of industry

Our modern machining techniques enable us to deliver consistent, high-quality products to specific finishes and thicknesses. Through precision-engineering, we create a clean square edge to the pad, providing excellent retention of the crease. Our woven felts retain their shape for much longer than pressed felts and have a far higher long term tolerance capability.

Hands Musician Playing The Saxophone

Excellent resilience and durability

Our pure wool products are the natural choice for these instruments, offering resilience and durability. The natural density of our cloth prevents air escaping, creating a crisp, clear note that musicians will notice from the first play. Our flute cloth has a white and smooth surface appearance resulting in minimum disturbance to the gut.

a handful of green Conversion Washers

Our in-house conversion facility

In our Technical Conversion centre, we have the capability to cut any qualities of fabric into washers, circles, strips and more. Converting the cloth into a component part means it is ready to go straight into your production line, saving you precious time and money.

side view of the spinning machine with woollen fibres

“We chose Hainsworth for the quality and the brand. They have given us very good service for over 16 years and have solved problems we were facing.”

Hailun Piano Co Ltd

“A trusted and reliable partner for Parsons, with exquisite production. We appreciate their excellent communication and prompt after-sales services.”

Parsons Music Corporation

“For Steinway, Hainsworth represents quality, consistency and dependability. ”

Steinway Pianos, New York

From bakery belting to grand pianos, the wide range of applications we produce fabrics for is a clear indication of how flexible we can be.

Decades of technical expertise allows us to adapt to new challenges and new applications, while our in-house conversion facility means we can manufacture products to precise specifications according to customers’ end uses.

Over 240 years
of unrivalled experience


different blends of wool


is the widest width of our cloth


a year invested in mental health initiatives