A military heritage
We supply woollen and worsted fabrics for use in the highest profile ceremonial garments worldwide. Our customers rely on our skills, capabilities and eight generations of technical expertise to weave and finish fabrics to the most exacting specifications.
Beautifully structured fabrics for iconic uniforms
Changing the face of military dress uniform
Hainsworth have over 200 years of expertise in military textiles, supplying the highest quality uniform cloths for armies at home and abroad. Our uniform cloths went to Trafalgar, the Battle of Waterloo, the Crimea, South Africa in the Boer War, and the two World Wars.
Supplying the world’s leading military tailors
With experience and expertise second to none we pride ourselves in producing fabrics manufactured in the traditional way. Today Hainsworth supply traditional woollen and worsted cloths to many of the world’s leading military tailors.
Our collection
Hainsworth ceremonial fabric is on show at some of the highest profile state occasions and is choice of the most demanding civilian and military tailors. Our wide range of wool fabrics includes meltons, doeskins, superfines, cap cloth and ceremonial worsteds. In addition to supplying fabrics, Hainsworth works with you to develop, test and refine the specification to your exacting requirements.
Over 240 years
of unrivalled experience
different blends of wool
invested in our new laboratory
trained as Mental Health First Aiders